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August 03, 2018

Thompson: Secret Service Security Breach Must Be Fully Investigated

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on media reports of a suspected spy working for the U.S. Secret Service in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow:

“News reports of a suspected Russian spy working for the U.S. Secret Service at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow are deeply troubling and must be fully investigated. Not only does this expose the lengths that Russia is willing to go to interfere in our affairs, but it also raises questions as to whether the government acted as swiftly as possible in removing her. According to the reports, it took several months for the State Department to remove the spy after she was discovered, and another year for Congress and the public to find out what had occurred. This spy had critical access to non-public confidential files including the schedules of all Presidents and their spouses, including Hillary Clinton. I call on the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General to fully investigate this matter so we can understand the damage done and why the agencies involved were so slow to act or to notify any investigative body. I also call on my Republican colleagues on the Homeland Security Committee to convene a hearing with the Secret Service as soon as possible.”

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